Boot Camp for Engineers
The elite Indian Institute of Technology trains winners—for the U.S. as well as India.
The six campuses of the Indian Institute of Technology admitted just 2% of applicants last year; Harvard College took 11%. At the elite Indian engineering colleges students must attend 42 hours of lectures and lab classes each week, twice as much time as the typical MIT undergraduate spends in class.
And while the University of California system may stop requiring SATs for admission, the Indian Institute would not dream of lessening its total reliance on tests. The 150,000 applicants each year must first pass exams in chemistry, physics and mathematics before they can sit for a second set of grueling analytical tests. The 20,000 who make it to the second test stage compete for 3,000 entry spots. Those with the highest scores get first pick of majors. They usually choose computer engineering.
"It is like salmon swimming upstream. If you get there, there must be something in you," says Umang Gupta, (class of 1971), chief executive of $50 million (sales) San Mateo, Calif.-based Keynote Systems, a Web site monitoring company.
So it's no surprise that graduates of the Institute have come to play such a prominent role in American business, and not only at tech companies. The alumni roster includes Sun Microsystems cofounder Vinod Khosla, Juniper Networks founder Pradeep Sindhu, Sycamore Networks founder Desh Deshpande, Telcom Ventures founder Rajendra Singh and Cirrus Logic founder Suhas Patil.
But United Airlines President Rono Dutta, McKinsey & Co. Chief Executive Rajat Gupta, Citibank Co-Chief Executive Victor Menezes, US Airways Chief Executive Rakesh Gangwal and Providian Financial Chief Executive Shailesh Mehta are also grads.
The intense winnowing process guarantees those admitted to the Institute are smart and hardworking. Then the boot-camp-like atmosphere toughens them for business battle.
"Most IITians don't have a problem dealing with cutthroat corporate America,'' says Gupta, who wrote Oracle's first business plan. "If anything, their problem is toning down some of their aggressiveness." Toning down? For Oracle?
Consider: Exams are held every four weeks. No feel-good American-style pass/fail or grade inflation here; some professors give only one "A" on each exam. At the end of the semester, students are publicly graded in each class.
"I was at IIT nearly 30 years ago, but just last week I woke up sweating in the middle of the night dreaming that I was back in IIT sitting for one of those killer exams," admits Sudhakar Shenoy, chief executive of McLean, Va.-based IMC, a software services company.
Despite the competition, the pressure breeds a sort of battlefield camaraderie. And the tight-knit IIT old boys' (yes, it's almost all boys) network gives a big boost to Indian entrepreneurs in the U.S.
Example: Graduate Kanwal Rekhi sold Excelan, a computer networking company, for $200 million in 1989. Since then he has invested in a dozen companies founded by other IIT grads. Rekhi has an open-door policy for would-be entrepreneurs.
Despite such benefits, most American teens would never put up with the Indian Institute's grueling regime. Indeed, the children of some of India's wealthiest citizens happily head to the U.S. instead, for more relaxed undergraduate studies.
But for working-class and middle-class Indians a diploma from IIT, which charges just $600 a year tuition (up from $10 in 1990), is a passage to affluence, in India or abroad.
Each year about 40% of graduates head to the U.S. for graduate school. "Our name has huge brand equity in educational institutions everywhere in the world," says Prem Vrat, former director of the IIT Delhi campus. "A delegation from Germany's top five universities has been pleading with us to send our students there," brags Amitabha Ghosh, director of IIT Kharagpur. Japanese, French and Australian universities have courted grads, too.
Those graduates who head straight to work also have plenty of offers. In the U.S. they can command starting salaries of $50,000. IBM, Intel, McKinsey, Sun Microsystems and Teligent have all recruited at the Indian schools.
The Institute holds a proud spot in the country's history. India's first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, set up the first campus in 1950 to churn out engineers to build big public works and infrastructure projects. That first school was housed in a former British jail.
Today, six sprawling tree-lined campuses are spread across the country. Living conditions, spartan by Western standards, are better than at other Indian universities. (Room and board is just $33 a month.) More than 100 students share two common phones in each residence hall. Still, the Delhi campus has a 2,000-person stadium, a meditation center and a little-used recreation center.
Professors live on campus, too, creating an intense, if insular, educational experience. George Verghese, a professor at the electrical engineering and computer science department at MIT, finds that IIT students' "knowledge base tends to be less broad but much deeper [in their specialties] than that of MIT undergraduates."
When IMC's Shenoy entered graduate school at the University of Connecticut, he was quickly assigned to teach math to a group that included some of his graduate student peers. "That's when I realized how rigorous our math training at IIT had been," he says.
Indeed, the Institute has become so respected that it now risks falling victim to its own success. With top graduates getting juicy offers from abroad, fewer stay for graduate studies at IIT. And professors, unhappy over the dearth of top graduate students and salaries of just $6,000 a year, are being lured away, too. Recently, at the Delhi campus, 14 of 30 computer science professorships sat vacant.
But the Institute and its determined graduates are fighting back. Alumni have started raising money for faculty perks and expanded programs. Excelan founder Rekhi, for example, gave $5 million to fund professors' research and travel and to build a new information technology school at the Mumbai (formerly Bombay) campus. Meanwhile, IBM and Indian software companies have set up offices at some schools, allowing faculty and students a chance to make some extra cash without leaving their campus.
"As India moves into the 21st century, its technologists will play an even more important role,'' says Keynote Systems' Gupta. "IIT is crucial to India's future.''
By the Numbers
In India (pop. 1 billion) compe- tition to enter the elite Institute of Technology is intense. |
2,000 Average number of hours each applicant spends studying for the entry tests. |
$3,800 Annual cost to the Indian government for each IIT student. |
7:1 Faculty/student ratio. |
1/3 Share of IIT-Delhi students who have their own PCs. |
0.5% Percentage of Indians with Internet access. |